Ensuring data ownership and/or credit

Can satellite remote sensing help us prevent natural disasters?

Nov 18, 2023

When uploading maps to Soar, users need to be mindful of the data used, especially when it pertains to another user, business, company, or organization. In this brief guide, we'll show you how to ensure data ownership and provide you with a contact point for any inquiries.

Ownership Awareness

When using maps or geographical data, it's important to recognize that not all data is your own. Some data may be owned by other users, businesses, companies, or organizations. This includes base maps from Google and Bing, or when using aerial and satellite imagery from external providers. Content Guides
If you have permission to use and share the map, you must also remember to credit the person, company or organisation correctly. Most data providers have a citation section on their website so you can follow their guidelines.
Being aware of data ownership is a crucial aspect of responsible map usage. If you have any doubts or questions about the data on your map, feel free to contact us at skysponsor@soar.earth for further information. We're here to help!
This blog was written by:

Harry Stranger

Harry is a content specialist, mostly focusing on satellite imagery curation, processing, and analysing. In his free time outside of following the space industry he's passionate about landscape and astrophotography.

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